Who Was Cyrus E. Dallin?

is best known for his sculptures "The Appeal To The Great Spirit," in front of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the "Paul Revere" statue in Boston's North End, "The Signal of Peace" in Lincoln Park, Chicago, and "The Medicine Man," in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. His later works include "Pioneer Monument," Salt Lake City; "Sir Isaac Newton," Congressional Library, Washington and "Don Quixote." He won a silver medal at the Paris Exposition, 1900, and a gold medal
at the St Louis Exposition, 1904.

Dallin, who was born in Springville Utah on November 22, 1861, grew up among Native American children, from which he drew his foundation for Native American and equine sculptures. Just how he came to Arlington was happenstance, as a group of Utah miners recognized his talent and sent samples of his work to a fair in Salt Lake City, Utah. At the fair, benefactors were impressed by the l8-year-old's talent, and financed his study of sculpture in Boston.
Dallin spent several years in Boston, and continued his studies in Paris, France. When he returned to this country, he chose to settle in Arlington, on Oakland Avenue. From his Arlington studio in back of his home, he produced over 250 well-known sculptures, including the "Indian Hunter" next to Robbins Library in Arlington and the base of the flag pole at Arlington Town Hall, and the statue of the Angel Moroni atop the steeple of the Mormon Temple at the top of Route 2 in Belmont.
For more information about Cyrus Dallin and his work, visit The Cyrus E. Dallin Art Museum.